about us
Explore the timeline of Putt Away Golf through the years.

Mornington Golf Course.
We grew up in Australia where our skills were put to the test on some of the most beautiful landscapes the world has to offer.
We never wanted to be pros.
We were never all going to be off scratch.
What mattered most to us was embracing the sunshine (whenever it made an appearance) - getting out with friends and enjoying the game.

The seed of innovation was planted when we found ourselves consistently missing those critical putts.
Sure, we knew about the basic line strings that some golfers used to improve their accuracy, but who has the time to set them up day in and day out?
That's when inspiration struck us like a perfectly lined-up drive.
We welcomed The Birdie Eye – a groundbreaking laser putting aid that became our solution to lining up putts on every break.
We envisioned a tool that every golfer could easily carry in their arsenal, and one that would undoubtedly stir envy among friends on the course.
The Birdie Eye was born out of the desire to bridge the gap between precision and convenience, revolutionising the way golfers approach their putting technique

Since introducing The Birdie Eye to the golfing world, we've been humbled to witness the positive impact it's had on thousands of golfers across the globe.
We teamed up with a group of scratch golfers, to discuss the best things they did to get to where they are.
It consisted around two core findings about their putting:
1) Go to the putting green just as much as you go to the driving range.
2) Practice your putting in your home or at the office.
So, that's how we grow.
We listened to our customers, our friends and some top-notch golfers - and we expanded.
So, whether you're playing every couple of days or just a once-a-month warrior, we invite you to join us on this journey.